linsolve w/linsolve_params:false;

Interestingly, if we simply call linsolve twice, the trivial equations are eliminated:


'solve: dependent equations eliminated: (1 4)'


At 04:52 AM 6/12/2013, Henry Baker wrote:
>When 'linsolve_params:false', linsolve is supposed to return a list of variables which are defined in terms of other variables.
>Can linsolve be fixed to not return trivial equations like 'a=a' from this list?
>Either linsolve should include _all_ of the trivial equations or _none_ of the trivial equations.  Currently, I can't tell what criterion it uses.  I would speculate that trivial equations come from redundant equations, but I can't tell for sure.
>Maxima 5.28.0-2
>using Lisp GNU Common Lisp (GCL) GCL 2.6.8 (a.k.a. GCL)