linsolve w/linsolve_params:false;

Actually, linsolve w/linsolve_params:false; doesn't work at all!!

Note that b0 is given in terms of b0, b1 in terms of b1, d0 in terms of d0, d1 in terms of d1.

What's going on here?

Maxima 5.28.0-2
using Lisp GNU Common Lisp (GCL) GCL 2.6.8 (a.k.a. GCL)
Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.
Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.
The function bug_report() provides bug reporting information.
(%i1) load("f:\\dof.mac");
solve: dependent equations eliminated: (1 4)

solve: dependent equations eliminated: (5 6)
(%o0)                             f:\dof.mac
(%i1) eqns:append(eqn1,eqn2);
(%o1) [b1 c2 - a1 c2 - b2 c1 + a2 c1 + a1 b2 - a2 b1, 
- b0 c2 + a0 c2 + b2 c0 - a2 c0 - a0 b2 + a2 b0, 
b0 c1 - a0 c1 - b1 c0 + a1 c0 + a0 b1 - a1 b0, 
- c1 d2 + a1 d2 + c2 d1 - a2 d1 - a1 c2 + a2 c1, 
c0 d2 - a0 d2 - c2 d0 + a2 d0 + a0 c2 - a2 c0, 
- c0 d1 + a0 d1 + c1 d0 - a1 d0 - a0 c1 + a1 c0]
(%i2) vars:append(a,b,c,d);
(%o2)          [a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2, c0, c1, c2, d0, d1, d2]
(%i3) linsolve_params:false;
(%o3)                                false
(%i4) backsubst:true;
(%o4)                                true
(%i5) factor(linsolve(eqns,vars));
                       b0 c2 - 2 a0 c2 - 2 b2 c0 + 2 a2 c0 + 2 a0 b2 - a2 b0
(%o5) [a0 = a0, b0 = - -----------------------------------------------------, 
                                              c2 - a2
       b1 c2 - 2 a1 c2 - 2 b2 c1 + 2 a2 c1 + 2 a1 b2 - a2 b1
b1 = - -----------------------------------------------------, c1 = c1, 
                              c2 - a2
     2 c0 d2 - 2 a0 d2 - c2 d0 + a2 d0 + 2 a0 c2 - 2 a2 c0
d0 = -----------------------------------------------------, 
                            c2 - a2
     2 c1 d2 - 2 a1 d2 - c2 d1 + a2 d1 + 2 a1 c2 - 2 a2 c1
d1 = -----------------------------------------------------]
                            c2 - a2