pw.mac problem

Thanks for the feedback.  I guess writing the code is an exercise for me.


From: Barton Willis 
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2013 10:12 AM
To: Rupert Swarbrick ; maxima at 
Subject: Re: [Maxima] pw.mac problem

An operator algebra package would be a useful addition to Maxima; support for the Dirac delta is much less interesting to me. Some 
of the appeal of the Dirac delta stems from a "Math? I don't need no stinkin' math" attitude. A bogus proof of the Fourier inversion theorem 
(the hat check theorem) amounts to little more than neglecting the conditions on the Fubini Tonelli theorem. Additional appeal of the Dirac
delta comes from construction of solvable QM problems for qualifying exams (end polemics).

A web search on "macsyma opalg" finds some documents that describe the functionality of Macsyma's operator algebra package.


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