With recent versions of maxima, texmacs prints error
messages, rather than output.
Here is a patch to texmacs fixing this. The patch also quiets warnings
when texmacs redefines some maxima functions.
The patch might break the interface for older versions of maxima, but
not: myprinc is called with two arguments in the patched version and
one in the original version. If myprinc in old versions of maxima
is passed two arguments when one is expected, I think nothing bad
will happen, but I did not test it.
An alternative for future versions of maxima is to change myprinc
to allow either one or two args, with the second defaulting to `t'.
I also copying below a portion of a previous message that I forgot to
CC to the maxima list:
A correction to what I wrote before:
* Nothing happened because I have to select Input Options -> multiline
input, otherwise neither return nor shift return evaluate input.
* With that done, the input is evaluated, but the output is not
printed, but rather an error message.
Editing the call to myprinc in texmacs-maxima.lisp allows the output
to be formatted.
* Adding a line about the new argument to myprinc in the comment on
myprinc in src/mactex.lisp would be helpful.
Also, replacing, in src/mactex.lisp,
(defun myprinc (chstr texport)
(defun myprinc (chstr &optional (texport t))
would allow texmacs, including old versions, to work
with recent versions of maxima. I don't know what it
might break.
maxima_detect does find maxima for me (linux, texmacs
In order for #f to be returned, it looks like this must fail
MAXIMA=`which maxima$EXT 2>/dev/null`
That test comes before the checking if an arg asking for the
html was given.
It would be nice if texmacs allowed specifying a maxima executable that
is not on the search path or not named maxima or maxima.bat.
... maybe that is your problem.
On 09/13/2013 07:50 PM, Richard Fateman wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion. I made the change, but it still says Busy ...
> I notice on the bottom left margin of the Texmacs window "undefined
plugin: maxima"
> Any other thoughts? (I'm using windows XP, and the file I changed is
> c:\Program Files\TeXmacs\plugins\maxima\lisp\texmacs-maxima.lisp )
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