global vars in function defined with block statement used for rk()
Subject: global vars in function defined with block statement used for rk()
From: Ether Jones
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 14:05:45 -0700 (PDT)
Listed below is a simple mac script and the output from Maxima.
Why is the value of the global variable "count" equal to 1 after the rk integration?
I would think the function would be called many times.
I ask this because for the problem I am working on I need to definea function with a block statement because I need state variables in the function.? I couldn't find how to define local static variables in the block statement, but the manual said that globals could be used.
Maxima 5.27.0
using Lisp GNU Common Lisp (GCL) GCL 2.6.8 (a.k.a. GCL)
Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.
Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.
The function bug_report() provides bug reporting information.
read and interpret file: #pK:/___workspace (primary)/block & rk.mac
(%i2)????????????????????????????? kill(all)
(%i1)?????????????????????????? load(dynamics)
(%i2)??????????? f(x) := block(count : 1 + count, 1 + cos(x))
(%i3)????????????????????????????? count : 0
(%o3)????????????????????????????????? 0
(%i4)?????????????????? rk(f(x), x, 0, [t, 0, 1, 0.1])
(%o4) [[0, 0], [0.1, 0.19933719479999], [0.2, 0.39479088554581],
[0.3, 0.58291320585305], [0.4, 0.76101220392991], [0.5, 0.92729450156583],
[0.6, 1.080838139697632], [0.7, 1.221450959001802], [0.8, 1.349480845721376],
[0.9, 1.465629133150566], [1.0, 1.570795255279214]]
(%i5)??????????????????????????????? count
(%o5)????????????????????????????????? 1