GIF animated plots

On Mon, 28 Oct 2013 20:09:14 -0700
Henry Baker <hbaker1 at> wrote:

> Creating a GIF animated plot seems to require calling the DRAW function with a list of arguments whose length is proportional to the number of "frames" in the animation.  In particular, using this standard technique seems to limit the length of a Maxima-generated GIF animation to only 60 frames.

A gif animation with 100 frames:

n: 100$
draw(terminal  = 'animated_gif,
     delay = 50,
                   label([string(k), 0.5,0.5])),
              k, n) )$

> It is possible to create longer GIF animations by producing a large number of PNG images, and then putting them together with FFMPEG (or equivalent) into a GIF animation.  However, this additional step is quite inconvenient.

n: 10$
for k:1 thru n do
        terminal = png,
        file_name = add_zeroes(k),
        label([string(k), 0.5,0.5])) $

> Perhaps there is another way to utilize the Maxima plotting functions to create longer GIF animations.  Has anyone found one?
> Thanks in advance.
