Hello Yasuaki Honda
Please see my reply in your text.
Le 17/09/13 17:01, ???? a ?crit :
> Hi Eddy F san,
> Thanks for your experiments. The results are very interesting. Before
> going to the next step of debugging, I would like to share with you how
> I handle the drawing in maxima.
[... cut ...]
Thanks for those interesting explanations.
> If you can, could you try the followings with your SSH?
> # ls /data/data/jp.yhonda/files
[... cut ...]
Unfortunately that doesn't work, probably because the device is not
rooted. Here is an example of a ssh session (dover is my Galaxy Tab, its
ssh server is sshdroid listening on port 1967; what follows is typed in
my linux terminal and some lines are split by my mail client):
$ ssh -p 1967 root at dover
Use 'root' as username
Default password is 'admin'
root at dover's password:
app_122 at android:/data/data/berserker.android.apps.sshdroid/home $ ls
opendir failed, Permission denied
1|app_122 at android:/data/data/berserker.android.apps.sshdroid/home $ ls
opendir failed, Permission denied
1|app_122 at android:/data/data/berserker.android.apps.sshdroid/home $ exit
Connection to dover closed.
(Useless digression of a linux user : how can anyone tolerate having a
device on which one is not even allowed to list files ? It drives me
mad. The username used by sshdroid is "root" but that's just a name ; it
does not make me root on the device, that would be too easy.)
> BTW, as for ADB, you don't need rooted device. Also, you don't have to
> install anything on your device. All you need is to install Android SDK
> on your PC, and connect your device with PC via USB.
> Thanks and best regards,
> Yasuaki Honda, Chiba, Japan
Ok, I will now try to install Android SDK. I'll keep you informed.
Again, thanks you for your help.
Best regards,
Eddy F.