Hi Yasuaki Honda,
I installed androidsdk but I am not sure I use it right.
I connected my Galaxy Tab 2 to my laptop through usb cable.
In the Galaxy settings, I checked USB debugging under System ->
Developer options.
I opened a terminal on my linux laptop and typed
$ adb shell
shell at android:/ $ cd /data/data/jp.yhonda/files/additions/gnuplot/bin
/system/bin/sh: cd: /data/data/jp.yhonda/files/additions/gnuplot/bin -
Permission denied
I also tried to launch gnuplot whithout cd-ing into its directory first
but of course it won't work :
1|shell at android:/ $ /data/data/jp.yhonda/files/additions/gnuplot/bin/gnuplot
/data/data/jp.yhonda/files/additions/gnuplot/bin/gnuplot: not found
I don't know what I can do to provide you with further useful
information without unlocking the device (which, I'm afraid, I am not
allowed to do).
Best regards,
Le 11/09/13 15:45, ???? a ?crit :
> Hi Richard san, Eddy F san,
> The reason this is difficult for me is that this does not happen for
> other users including me. This also means that the default plot setting
> is right for many of us. Oh, Eddy san, do you place maxima-init.mac file
> in /data/local/tmp directory and change plot settings?
> Eddy san, if you can use ADB (Android Debug Bridge) with your Galaxy,
> then you can help me debugging this bug. It is as simple as:
> % adb shell
> # cd /data/data/jp.yhonda/files/additions/gnuplot/bin
> # ./gnuplot
> It would be great if you let me know what happens after invoking gnuplot
> command on android shell from ADB as above.
> Thanks and best regards,
> Yasuaki Honda, Chiba, Japan
> 2013/9/10 Richard Fateman <fateman at gmail.com <mailto:fateman at gmail.com>>
> Hi Eddy F ( and Yasuaki Honda):
> I find (on Windows...) that the default settings for plotting allows
> only one plot at a time.
> To resume Maxima, you must kill the (gnuplot) window by clicking on
> the [X]. Maybe the
> same kind of thing is happening on Android -- you have a plot
> process that is taking
> precedence over the Maxima main window and taking all input.
> I think there are other settings that allow multiple plots(on
> windows), so maybe your default setting is
> not right.