A Sage user encountered a problem that seems to come from Maxima. See
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sage-support/dwR4kuBmiQo. In
sage: n = var('n')
sage: assume(n>0)
sage: series = -(3*n^2 + 1)*(-1)^n/sqrt(n^5 + 8*n^3 + 8)
sage: limit(series, n=infinity)
And in Maxima:
(%i6) display2d:false;
(%o6) false
(%i7) limit(-(3*n^2 + 1)*(-1)^n/sqrt(n^5 + 8*n^3 + 8),n,inf);
(%o7) -38*und*log(-1)^2/25
I would expect Maxima to evaluate the limit and get zero. (Possibly with
some encouragement?)
(I'm not on the mailing list, I'm just reporting a bug -- further
discussion can be directed to the sage-support mailing list or to our
trac ticket: http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/15386.)
--- Dan Drake
----- www.math.wisc.edu/~ddrake/
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