Label vs. index subscript

I am very confused by your example. I think you are confusing subroutines
(defined by ":=") and equations (written with "="). Some symptoms of this

What is the purpose of assigning the subroutine definitions to the
variables Eq01, etc.?

Over what values does N[] range? Does it range over rta, ham, aft, sys,

Why do you define %rho[sys] in Eq04a and then redefine it in Eq04c?

 I assume that 'rho' in Eq02 and Eq04a are typos for '%rho'?

What are you trying to do and where is it going wrong? You have shown us
your definitions, but not the *use* of the definitions.


On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 9:37 AM, Jon Robinson <jonwrobinson at>wrote:

> Here is an example of what I was asking about. Eq01, Eq02 and Eq03 are
> combined in Eq04a which is equal to Eq04c given Eq04b. As
> you can see, the subscript is used as an index to an array in some
> variables and as a distinguishing label in others. Maple allows one to
> specify this distinction when writing equations. Can you do a similar thing
> with Maple. Execute the following MAXIMA commands to see. I am a beginner
> at using this, so excuse ancillary errors. Thanks.
> /* [wxMaxima: input   start ] */
> debug:true;
> /* [wxMaxima: input   end   ] */
> /* [wxMaxima: input   start ] */
> stardisp:true ;
> /* [wxMaxima: input   end   ] */
> /* [wxMaxima: input   start ] */
> unorder();
> /* [wxMaxima: input   end   ] */
> /* [wxMaxima: input   start ] */
> Eq01: %rho[rta](%lambda):='product(%rho[j](%lambda),j,1,4);
> /* [wxMaxima: input   end   ] */
> /* [wxMaxima: input   start ] */
> Eq02: %rho[ham](%theta,%lambda):=rho[5](%lambda)*RVS(%theta,B);
> /* [wxMaxima: input   end   ] */
> /* [wxMaxima: input   start ] */
> Eq03: %rho[aft](%lambda):='product(%rho[j](%lambda),j,6,N[op]);
> /* [wxMaxima: input   end   ] */
> /* [wxMaxima: input   start ] */
> Eq04a: %rho[sys](%theta,%lambda):=('product(rho[j](%lambda),j,1,N[
> op]))*RVS(%theta,B);
> /* [wxMaxima: input   end   ] */
> /* [wxMaxima: input   start ] */
> Eq04b: %rho[fix](%lambda):=%rho[5](%lambda)*%rho[aft](%lambda)*%
> rho[rta](%lambda);
> /* [wxMaxima: input   end   ] */
> /* [wxMaxima: input   start ] */
> Eq04c: %rho[sys](%theta,%lambda):=rho[fix](%lambda)*RVS(%theta,B);
> /* [wxMaxima: input   end   ] */
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