> It's a real bug in bigfloat::expt. Or rather in bigfloat::max-exponent of a CL complex number. This replacement fixes
> the issue:
Thanks for the fix--it squashed the bug I found by random testing of code for numerical evaluation of the
first Appell function (http://dlmf.nist.gov/16.13):
(%i15) appell_float(%i/4,%i/5+1/5,%i/20,(7*%i)/20+1/4,%i/20+3/10,(3*%i)/20+1/4,float_type=bigfloat), fpprec : 28;
(%o15) 6.117646752022933594628261201b-2*%i+9.872799574733106067312008401b-1
By the way: what is the correct pronunciation of Appell (French)? (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_%C3%89mile_Appell )