[newbie] permanent installation of discrete.mac

>   Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2013 11:00:59 +0100
>   From: Hugo Coolens <hugo.coolens at kuleuven.be>
>   I succeeded in running the package discrete.mac from
>   https://github.com/andrejv/discrete.mac/wiki/discrete.mac as follows:
>   file_search_lisp :  cons("/home/coolens/downloads/andrejv-discrete.mac-18274f7/$$$.{lisp}", file_search_lisp);
>   file_search_maxima : cons("/home/coolens/downloads/andrejv-discrete.mac-18274f7/$$$.{mac}", file_search_maxima);
>   load("/home/coolens/downloads/andrejv-discrete.mac-18274f7/logic.mac");
>   so far so good, I'd now like to avoid having to enter these three lines 
>   each time I'm going to use the package and Id also prefer not having 
>   logic.mac in my home-directory. My questions are:
>   1. What is the default place where to put (the files concerning) logic.mac 
>   in the  linux-debian tree and how to do that properly.

If you want to make it accessible to just a single user,
enter maxima and then type


This directory is on the default search path, so you can put logic.mac there and 


will do it.

>   2. How do I make logic.mac available immediately after starting up maxima
>   (without having to enter extra commands)

As above, in maxima_userdir, create a file called maxima-init.mac and
put your load command in there.
