no wxplots with Maxima build from 2013-12-15

Am 16.12.2013 12:56, schrieb Jaime Villate:
> On 16-12-2013 08:49, Volker van Nek wrote:
>> I wanted to write that now the grid is missing. With
>> wxplot2d([f(x)], [x,-6,1.5], [y,0,3], [gnuplot_preamble, "set grid"])$
>> I should get a grid.
> There are two possibilities that should work with the new version of
> Maxima:
> wxplot2d([f(x)], [x,-6,1.5], [y,0,3], grid2d)$
> wxplot2d([f(x)], [x,-6,1.5], [y,0,3], [gnuplot_epilogue, "set grid"])$

Comparing the resulting maxout.gnuplot shows the difference between
gnuplot_preamble and gnuplot_epilogue. grid2d is of course shorter in
case you only want a grid.

grid2d and gnuplot_epilogue are new to me. Are they new in Maxima?

Jaime, thanks for your work on this important topic.

Take care

>> Now there is a new problem while compiling. Don't know if that is
>> related.
>> make[4]: Betrete Verzeichnis '/home/volker/Maxima/git/131216/doc/info'
>> make[4]: F?r das Ziel ?install-exec-am? ist nichts zu tun.
>> make[4]: *** Keine Regel vorhanden, um das Target ?figures/contour1.gif?,
>>   ben?tigt von ?install-datafiles?, zu erstellen.  Schluss.
> Oh yes, I committed a new file doc/info/, but for some reason
> it does not appear in the repository.
> In that file one has to remove contour?.* and implicit_plot?.* which
> were renamed plotting?.*.
> I will try to commit that file again.
> Regards,
> Jaime