State of the Manual

--- Raymond Toy <> wrote:
> >>>>> "CY" == C Y <> writes:
>     CY> current state of affairs, I've put another pdf up at
>     CY>  Again, this is
> extremely
> This looks quite nice.  I skimmed over various sections and have the
> following comments:
> o You give an example of setting HALFANGLES and give an example of
>   sin(x/2) => sqrt(1-cos(x))/2.  Of course, this is wrong if x is
>   negative.  Should you mention that?

Probably - the better thing to do, I suppose, is make function smarter.
 I've added that to the buglist on sourceforge.

> o In the integration examples, I think it would be nice if you showed
>   where maxima would ask questions rather than just using assume to
>   suppress them.

That's not even a real section yet - there are many pages to write on
that subject.  That's just me experimenting right now.
> o I only skimmed the bibliography.  It seems to have lots of stuff
>   that, based on the title, aren't relevant to maxima?

Not sure about that one - I haven't edited it myself.  We can look more
closely later, and see what isn't relevant - I would think most of it
is in one way or another, but I can't say for sure.


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