Building maxima / mailing lists / sym package

> > In a different vein, I offer to translate the (french) documentation
> > of sym, if there is no translation yet and if there is somebody
> > interested...
> Yes!  Interested!

I just discovered english documentation on
by the author Annick Valibouze himself...
(more of the same author can be found on

It is nearly complete, only the documentation corresponding to the
following sections in docsym.dvi is missing:
3.1 arite, card_orbit, multinomial, card_stab, permut
3.2 ele2polynome, polynome2ele
3.8 resolvante*

on the other hand,

somrac and prodrac 

are not documented in the french version...

Except possibly 3.8 these are trivial items.
I contacted Annick Valibouze, asking if he could find the tex source...
