[Fwd: RE: Contributed code, etc. (was [Maxima] Teaching differentialequations with Maxima)]

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From: CRTS" <David.Billinghurst at riotinto>
To: James Amundson <amundson@fnal.gov>, Maxima List <maxima@www.ma.utexas.edu>
Subject: RE: Contributed code, etc. (was [Maxima] Teaching differentialequations with Maxima)
Date: 24 Feb 2003 09:49:12 +1100

This probably won't make it to the list, as my mail is still rejected.

I have been working on some maxima first order ODE routines using the 
approach in the papers below, and Zimmerman's handbook.  I have "working"
routines for Clairault, Lagrange and Riccati equations and have made
limited progress on Lie group methods.

The routines for Clairault, Lagrange and Riccati equations are probably
ready for review.

> 6) After much discussion of current and past ODE implementations in
> Maxima, please let me say what I would really like to see for ODE's in
> Maxima. There is an excellent ODE package at
> <http://lie.uwaterloo.ca/odetools.htm>;. The package is written for
> Maple. The code's license is such that it wouldn't be directly usable
> for us, anyway. However, the techniques are documented in a series of
> papers available from that site. A Maxima implementation of the
> techniques should be a straightforward exercise.
> --Jim
James Amundson <amundson@fnal.gov>