imaxima, xemacs and windows

Osmo Salomaa <> writes:

> When replacing the \ with / in the command i get:
> -------------------------------------------------
> GS<3>clear << /PageSize [264 10] /PageOffset [-125 650] /OutputFile
> (c:/gnu/temp/imaximaQPAvCP/1) >> setpagedevice [save] (c:/gnu/temp/imax
> imaQPAvCP/ (r) file cvx systemdict /.runandhide known revision
> 700 ge and {.setsafe {.runandhide}}
> GS<4>
> So no error when i changed the \ with /. 


> Does this mean it works? 

Does it create a png file called '1' in the same directory?  If it does,
then it works.

> What should be done? Modifying imaxima.el (i don't have a clue how to
> do this) or trying another version of ghostscript (which one)?

Are you using a cygwin or native version of Ghostscript?  (If it's a
cygwin version, then the native version might work).

So, assuming that gs did create the png file, this is a recap of what
needs to be fixed:

* gs wants unix-style, '/', path separators.
* Maxima wants unix path names for 'imaxima.lsip'.

Right?  I'll make a version which does this on Windows.