No, it's not. I have *equations* defining calM(v,r) for r=1,2,..,m. In
fact, I have one special eqiation for calM(v,m+1) (like
calm(v,r)=sum(w[r](v)*calM(v,r),r,1,m)). To solve different problems in
my research I have to differentiate once or twice the equations,
evaluate at some v=v0, add them up, then do exclusions and so on. I need
to operate with finite sums with unknown but constant upper limit. I
don't *define* any functions/procedures (calM, Phi are not procedures or
maxima functions, they're expressions)
Andrei Zorine
Valerij Pipin wrote:
> is'nt it what you would like to do?
> calM[r](v):=q[r](v)*Phi[r](v)+p[r]*RQ[r](v)*q[r](v)*pi[n]$
> SU[l]:=ev(sum(calM[r](v),r,1,l))
> (C3) display2d:false;
> (D3) FALSE
> (C4) SU[2];
> (D4)
> p[2]*PI[n]*q[2](v)*RQ[2](v)+PHI[2](v)*q[2](v)+p[1]*PI[n]*q[1](v)*RQ[1](v)
> +PHI[1](v)*q[1](v)
> rgds,
> V