How to make it work?

On Thursday 27 March 2003 18:43, Andrei Zorine wrote:
> Hi,
> No, it's not. I have *equations* defining calM(v,r) for
> r=1,2,..,m. 
This is not a problem here. You can generate your lists and then 
redistribute "=" via map("=",List1,List2)  
>In fact, I have one special eqiation for
> calM(v,m+1) (like calm(v,r)=sum(w[r](v)*calM(v,r),r,1,m)). 
So, you probably should reformulate the problem via using 
recurrences. See packages in share/algebra.  If m is unbound you 
can not use sum
> solve different problems in my research I have to
> differentiate once or twice the equations, evaluate at some
> v=v0, 
No problem,
(D14) q[r](v):=l[r]*v^2+tt[r]*v
(C15) diff(SU[2],v);
(D15) p[2]*PI[n]*q[2](v)*'DIFF(RQ[2](v),v,1)
(C16) ev(%,diff);
(D16) p[2]*PI[n]*(tt[2]*v^2+l[2]*v)*'DIFF(RQ[2](v),v,1)

>add them up, then do exclusions and so on. I need to
> operate with finite sums with unknown but constant upper
> limit.I don't *define* any functions/procedures (calM, Phi
> are not procedures or maxima functions, they're expressions)
Well, in your notations calM(v,m+1) is clearly a kind of 
function. Actually it is better to write it as  calM[m+1](v) as 
a vector function.
