imaxima, xemacs and windows

 >No, it's an EOL conversion problem -- hopefully it should be fixed in
 >the new version:

No, there's still the '^M' at the end of every output.

 >I've now added some debugging messages, which say if XEmacs thinks the
 >image file exists and if it's readable.  It then sleeps for 5 seconds
 >and displays the same information again.  What do the messages say?

The first expression i evaluate doesn't show the png picture, but after 
the first, all other evaluations show the png output picture. It takes 
10 seconds to get the answer. The messages are rather monotonous:

c:/gnu/temp/imaximasYAk1Q/3 is readable: t
c:/gnu/temp/imaximasYAk1Q/3 exists: t
Processing Maxima output...
Processing Maxima output...done
c:/gnu/temp/imaximasYAk1Q/2 is readable: t
c:/gnu/temp/imaximasYAk1Q/2 exists: t
c:/gnu/temp/imaximasYAk1Q/2 is readable: t
c:/gnu/temp/imaximasYAk1Q/2 exists: t
Processing Maxima output...
Processing Maxima output...done
c:/gnu/temp/imaximasYAk1Q/1 is readable: t
c:/gnu/temp/imaximasYAk1Q/1 exists: t
c:/gnu/temp/imaximasYAk1Q/1 is readable: t
c:/gnu/temp/imaximasYAk1Q/1 exists: t
Processing Maxima output...
Processing Maxima output...done
Processing Maxima output...
