inroduction to itensor

On the site of the Irkutsk's linux group there are two files and The first one contains the 
introduction to itensor (in pdf  and tex formats). The document 
is in russian so far, sorry. The difference with the known 
manual by  Pavelle & Wester is that I put the material in the 
systematic way, skip the non-working functions and add the 
description of some new ones (which are in  max.tgz).
The demo extracted from introduction is in max.tgz.
I'm enjoyed very much presenting two exercises from the book by 
T.Frankel "Geometry in Physics" which were solved with maxima.
You can find them in ten_alg.demo in max.tgz. They are about the 
conservation laws in ideal MHD.

The introduction was written with great help of emaxima, thanks 
to Jay  for the fixed bugs. Some of the proposed functions is 
essentially relies to new nset package, many thanks to Barton & 
