complex conjugate function


At present the conjugate function in share/matrix/eigen.mac
has some problems, as described in SF bug reports # 1045514 and
Thanks to Stavros for his work on these problems.

eigen.mac has conjugate(x) := sublis('([%i = - %i]), x)$.
There is also a conjugate function in share/simplification/functs.mac,
which has a similar definition. There isn't a conjugate function
in the main src directory.

Here is another definition, which doubtless has its own problems,
but I offer this in hopes that it is less broken than the current
definition, and that a discussion will lead to something better.

(%i1) conjugate(x):=
    (if listp(x) then map (conjugate, x)
    else if matrixp(x) then matrixmap (conjugate, x)
    else ([rp: realpart(x), ip: imagpart(x)],
        /* Attempt to detect cases in which realpart and imagpart
           have punted. This test is too conservative. */
        if freeof (nounify (realpart), rp) 
              and freeof (nounify (imagpart), ip) 
            then rp - %i*ip
        else 'conjugate(x)))$ /* punt here if rp/ip did too */

(%i2) declare ([conjugate, nounify (conjugate)], [complex, additive,

OK, that much is the definition. Now some examples.

(%i3) declare ([a, b, c, f, nounify(f)], complex)$
(%i4) declare ([x, y, z, g, nounify(g)], real)$

First set of examples. The elements of m are all complex.
The "Is  imagpart(a) ... ?" emanates from computing realpart(a)
and imagpart(a) in conjugate. Shouldn't sqrt evaluate to a 
noun form instead of calling asksign? Seems ugly but that's
discussion for another day.

(%i5) l: [x+%i*y, exp(%i*t), a, b+7*c, f(x), f(g(a)), sqrt(a)];
                   %i t
(%o5) [%i y + x, %e    , a, 7 c + b, f(x), f(g(a)), sqrt(a)]
(%i6) m: transpose (matrix (l))$
(%i7) conjugate (m);
Is  imagpart(a)  positive, negative, or zero?

                [           x - %i y            ]
                [                               ]
                [      cos(t) - %i sin(t)       ]
                [                               ]
                [         conjugate(a)          ]
                [                               ]
(%o7)           [ 7 conjugate(c) + conjugate(b) ]
                [                               ]
                [        conjugate(f(x))        ]
                [                               ]
                [      conjugate(f(g(a)))       ]
                [                               ]
                [      conjugate(sqrt(a))       ]

Those all seem OK, although item 2 might be nicer as exp(-%i*t).

Second set of examples. These items are all real. 
Evaluation of sqrt eventually leads to asksign again.

(%i8) l: [x, 'carg (x+y*%i), 'cabs (x+y*%i), g(a), g(f(a)), sqrt(y)];
(%o8) [x, carg(%i y + x), cabs(%i y + x), g(a), g(f(a)), sqrt(y)]
(%i9) m: transpose (matrix (l))$
(%i10) conjugate (m);
Is  y  positive, negative, or zero?

                  [             x             ]
                  [                           ]
                  [      carg(%i y + x)       ]
                  [                           ]
                  [ conjugate(cabs(%i y + x)) ]
(%o10)            [                           ]
                  [           g(a)            ]
                  [                           ]
                  [          g(f(a))          ]
                  [                           ]
                  [          sqrt(y)          ]

These are all correct enough but realpart and imagpart don't
know that cabs is real, hence conjugate(cabs(%i y + x)). 
Otoh realpart and imagpart do know carg is real.

I tried to use tellsimp to tell some identities to the simplifier
 -- realpart(conjugate(a)) = realpart(a), imagpart(conjugate(a)) = 
 -imagpart(a), conjugate(conjugate(a)) = a -- but these the
simplifier didn't seem to recognize these expressions so I gave up.
With the above definition, realpart(conjugate(a)), 
imagpart(conjugate(a)), and conjugate(conjugate(a)) yield noun forms.
Not incorrect, but not very helpful.

Anyway perhaps someone will have some ideas here.

Robert Dodier

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