suggestions on maxima wiki

I am a starter on Maxima and recently discovered the Maxima wiki, 
which i think is a VERY nice idea.  However, I would also like to 
make some suggestions.

1/ I think it would be a good idea to have a contact information on 
the site so others can make suggestion :)  It can be email form or 
an email address or like in point two

2/ I think it would be a good idea to link back to sorceforge's forum 
for users to post questions and comments or maybe setup an 
individual forum.  This can be a place where the community help 
each other out as well as learning but also a place for developer to 
meet up and discuss.  This is also best for putting in suggestions

3/ I notice the individual topic listed on the main page which is nice

4/ I suggest to open the editting capability to everyone (if security 
wont give much problem) but backup the database frequently 
(daily?) since having several people working on the detail is quicker 
than just a few people.  If someone did messed up the database, it 
won't only be a day(?) work.  I thought of this because of wikipedia. 
 Things might be different here though.  Risky but worth a try I 
would think.

These are just my personal opinion and it might be difficult to 
implement.  thanks for your work and time.


Sik So (Matthew)
Rm 3055
ORC, Bldg 46,
Highfield Campus,
University of Southampton,
Southampton SO17 1BJ
EXT. 22194