Maxima + PalmOS

C Y writes:
> I've heard from a few people as well that a portable implimentation of
> Maxima would be very useful to them.  I think the primary issue is
> getting an underlying Lisp running.  There are a few notes somewhere
> out there about getting GCL and perhaps even Axiom running on a Sharp
> Zaurus, but I have no idea how functional that is.  (Nor would it be
> Palm compatible.)
> This is the only Lisp/Scheme related program I know about for Palm, and
> I have no idea what it would take to get Maxima to work on it:
> It would be a very interesting interface design challenge to shoehorn a
> CAS onto such a small screen without losing its power or forcing the
> user to laborously type out commands via some virtual keyboard (though
> the latter would always have to be the fallback) but for me the first
> goal is a rich, cross platform GUI on the PC level.  Pocket PCs are an
> interesting challenge but for me a secondary one until we are squared
> away on the large ones.  (This might be partially because I don't have
> one, though. :-)  Hmm - McCLIM on PalmOS?  I wonder...
> Cheers,
> CY

I know about two ports of Maxima to hand-held computers.
One is Sharp Zaurus Linux port (clisp)

and another is Windows CE port (gcl)

      Vadim V. Zhytnikov