C Y writes:
> I've heard from a few people as well that a portable implimentation of
> Maxima would be very useful to them. I think the primary issue is
> getting an underlying Lisp running. There are a few notes somewhere
> out there about getting GCL and perhaps even Axiom running on a Sharp
> Zaurus, but I have no idea how functional that is. (Nor would it be
> Palm compatible.)
FYI, gcl, maxima, acl2 and axiom are all completely functional on any
Debian arm compatible handheld, like the Zaurus, as far as the word
'functional' could apply to using a powerful CAS with such a tiny
keyboard :-). I saw an axiom-empowered Zaurus myself at the recent
axiom conference.
Are you sure one cannot run Debian binaries on a Palm? Even if not,
GCL will likely work out of the box given any standard development
environment. Full ansi compliance is still a ways off, but what you
certainly do get with GCL is portable performance.
Take care,
> This is the only Lisp/Scheme related program I know about for Palm, and
> I have no idea what it would take to get Maxima to work on it:
> It would be a very interesting interface design challenge to shoehorn a
> CAS onto such a small screen without losing its power or forcing the
> user to laborously type out commands via some virtual keyboard (though
> the latter would always have to be the fallback) but for me the first
> goal is a rich, cross platform GUI on the PC level. Pocket PCs are an
> interesting challenge but for me a secondary one until we are squared
> away on the large ones. (This might be partially because I don't have
> one, though. :-) Hmm - McCLIM on PalmOS? I wonder...
> Cheers,
> CY
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Camm Maguire
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens." -- Baha'u'llah