You can set the gnuplot_command variable to full path to your gnuplot.
It has to be a lisp string so you should do it with something like
gnuplot_command : sconcat("<path to gnuplot>")$
On 2/10/06, Jason Richards <jrichards1981 at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new to maxima, i am running a macintosh g4, on tiger os x 10.4.
> I am trying to get maxima up and running. I have gotten as far as
> getting all the packages required by fink, i have ran it on an x
> window and in emacs using imaxima. I like the imaxima version, but
> i like the imaxima version better. The problem I keep running into is
> when i try to run a command like : plot2d(3*x+8); or something like
> that , i get the error "gnuplot: command not found" I don't know why
> this keeps happening, i have gnuplot installed, and it runs in x
> window's, is there something else i need to do to configure maxima to
> see gnuplot, or could it be something else. If there are any
> suggestions, it would be much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jason
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