gnuplot_term dumb on Windows

1. terminal 'dumb'  already works in Windows console maxima 

plot2d( sin(x), [x,0,2*%pi], [gnuplot_term,dumb], 
  [gnuplot_out_file, "D:/test.txt"] );  --> dumb plot 

Remark: The dumb plot character is $, with using gnuplot directly it is a *. Reason?

2. with xmaxima 

system("type D:/test.txt"); --> NO dumb plot (from the formerly created file)
system("type D:\\test.txt"); --> NO dumb plot

3. with console maxima and xmaxima

printfile("D:/test.txt"); --> dumb plot

4. plot.lisp lines 1122 ...

         (if gnuplot-out-file
             ;;($system (format nil $viewtext_command view-file))
             ($printfile view-file) ;; fix
             ;;($system (format nil "~a \"~a\"" $gnuplot_command file)))))) ;; should be replaced 
by (merror ... )
             (print (format nil "~a \"~a\"" $gnuplot_command file)))))) ;; for testing

  which WORKS in console maxima and xmaxima

plot2d( sin(x), [x,0,2*%pi], [gnuplot_term,dumb], 
  [gnuplot_out_file, "D:/test.txt"] );  --> dumb plot 

plot2d( sin(x), [x,0,2*%pi], [gnuplot_term,dumb] ); -->
	"wgnuplot \"C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/van Nek/maxout.gnuplot\""

system("wgnuplot \"C:/Dokumente und Einstellungen/van Nek/maxout.gnuplot\"");

doesn't work, because maxout.gnuplot misses a line for the out file (set out 'myfile')

If  [gnuplot_term,dumb] is set, there should be an error message if there is no output file.
