I think I was just typing something in wrong. Sorry for the dumb
I have a related question though. (Hopefully, not so dumb.) The page
appears to be more up to date than the special function documenation at
Am I missing something or should the link
be added ?
On 6/9/06, Raymond Toy <raymond.toy at ericsson.com> wrote:
> >>>>> "David" == David Joyner <wdjoyner at gmail.com> writes:
> David> 1. (*) text/plain ( ) text/html
> David> Hi:
> David> It appears legendre_p, legendre_q, jacobi_p are not
> implemented,
> David> though they are in the manual. Can anyone confirm this or is it
> David> just my version of Maxima acting funny?
> Try load("orthopoly"). The legendre_p(n,x) will probably do what you
> want. Or at least more of what you want.
> Ray