On 3/3/07, Vadim V. Zhytnikov <vvzhy at mail.ru> wrote:
> > Vadim -- is this schedule convenient for you?
> Yes, as far as Windows build is concerned the schedule is OK.
OK, great.
> 1. Fist and foremost - Andreas is doing code cleaning.
> It would be great if it can be finished or at least brought
> to some logical state before release. Surely we should
> ask Andreas about his plans.
Well, since cleanup is supposed to have no user-visible
effects, I think we don't need to coordinate the cleanup with
the release schedule.
> 2. Decide something about describe.
> ? foo - exact search
> ?? foo - inexact search as substring
> more elaborate search schemes with rgexps seems to be
> an overkill.
Agreed. I'll commit the code to implement the proposal above.
> 3. Implement recursive share search for load command.
I tried to figure that out a while ago, but I got stuck.
I think Ray tried it too. I don't know where we stand on that.
If someone has some code, let's roll it in. Otherwise, it's not
a big deal to continue using the present system (namely to
list all share directories in src/init-cl.lisp).