Hi Wolfgang,
> 1.
> This way each command resp. input is executed, the output immediatedly shown and stop.
> So every time I try to catch the output line with my mouse in a hurry to hide it
> contents.
> After discussion of the input with the class I show again the output clicking on it
> .. then going to the next input ..
> If I have not overlooked something, here is my
> 1. Hint: there should be an option like demo("example.exm", hide),
> that will as default NOT show all corresponding output lines.
I found a similar problem when I wanted to write a demo file for a
conference I'll give tomorrow monday (University of Santiago de
Compostela, "History of equations: from Babylon to Computer Algebra
Systems" -- if you are interested :)
I'll run the demo in wxmaxima and I also want to have some control on
when computations should be made and displayed. An English translation
is attached. You'll see two menus:
(1:compute; 0:no computation) ...
1 => computes the example
0 => avoids computation (any other number is also admitted)
and jumps to the next menu.
(0:next; n:example number; -1:end) ...
0 => goes to next example
n => goes to example number n (upwards and downwards)
-1 => end of demo.
I hope you'll find useful hints here.
Mario Rodriguez Riotorto
-------------- next part --------------
by Mario Rodriguez Riotorto
2007, GPL License
/* The audience shouldn't see some warnings */
block([k:1, n:1, ec, ecuaciones],
["This is a very simple equation"]],
["Equation with parameter"]],
["Now parameter is x"]],
["Equation of degree two",
"with numeric coefficients"]],
["Equation of degree two",
"with parameter a "]],
["Equation of degree one",
"with parameter x"]],
["Polynomic equation",
"of degree four"]],
["Function 'float' gives you",
"approximate solutions"]],
["An equation of degree seven?"]],
["Maxima factorizes and solves",
"factors separately"]],
["Here we arrive to the limits",
"found by Abel and Galois"]],
["But there are numeric methods"]],
["algsys([x*y=3, x-y=4/5], [x,y])",
["A non linear system"]],
["(load(mnewton), mnewton([x*exp(x)-4*x-2], [x], [0]))",
["'mnewton' is an additional package",
"for the computation of",
"non algebraic equations" ]],
["(load(draw), wxdraw2d(explicit(x*exp(x)-4*x-2, x, -3,3), grid=true))",
["With additional package 'draw',",
"you can plot functions and select",
"new initial values for the Newton algorithm"]],
["mnewton([x*exp(x)-4*x-2], [x], [1])",
["We call 'mnewton' again,",
"but with a different",
"initial value x=1"]],
["mnewton([x^3-2*x+1-y^2, x^3+y^3-3*x*y^2+x+1], [x, y], [2, 2])",
["A system of equations",
"to be solved by Newton"]]
while k # -1 and n <= length(ecuaciones) do(
ec: ecuaciones[n],
print("---------- Example", n, "----------"),
map(print, ec[2]),
k: read("(1:compute; 0:no computation) ..."),
if (k=1) then print(eval_string(ec[1])),
k: read("(0:next; n:example number; -1:end) ..."),
if k>0
then n: k
else n: n+1 )) $