maxima language as a front-end for lisp

On 9/22/07, apeditedirra unasaltao <pi_e_dra at> wrote:
> I would like to get the sources for the maxima language, but not for the
> mathematical computation.
>    That is maxima language as a stand-alone language.
>   What's that for?   I think that the (small) lisp community should realize
> that there is a need for a front-end in Lisp in order to enhace readability.

Do you just want the syntax of Maxima and the semantics of Lisp, a la
Lisp 2 (1970s) or Dylan (1990s)?  It would be easy enough to pull out
the lexer and parser.  But why not just use Python? -- it has a much
better thought-out syntax, and more modern, fairly Lisp-like semantics
plus an object system, though I guess it doesn't have as good a
