Maxima website

Dear Maxima developers,

I am a documentation writer in Maxima project at the SourceForge and now I am 
maintaining the Russian Maxima webpages (

Now there is no person who is the designated site editor and many pages are 
pretty outdated, so I am volunteering to be the site webmaster.

I think that the project should not drop the main static website and 
completely move to some Wiki system---Wiki is pretty nice for editing texts 
and discussing certain issues collectively, but now it's not a well-organized 
resource for ordinary Maxima users.

The proposed changes to the static webpages are

  * general cleanup of outdated links and information,
  * moving to the XSLT template system with XHTML 1.0 Strict documents at the 
user side (with additional stuff like RSS feeds),
  * redesign (the intended style is presented at the

Please, state your opinion about it. Thank you.

Alexey Beshenov <al at>
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