Maxima website

Hi Alexey,

> I am a documentation writer in Maxima project at the SourceForge 
> and now I am  maintaining the Russian Maxima webpages
> (
> Now there is no person who is the designated site editor and many 
> pages are pretty outdated, so I am volunteering to be the site
> webmaster.

I think this project works quite well without designated roles.

If you want to do something then do it. If it might be controversial,
then announce in on the ML first and wait some reasonable time if
anybody objects. If you need extra access privileges ask one of
the project admins and they most likely will enable them for you.

Since the website is managed via CVS several developers can work
on it in an unbureaucratic way. Perhaps the russion webpages should
be managed via CVS too? (Not sure if cvs does anything sensible
with cyrillic characters.)

> The proposed changes to the static webpages are
>   * general cleanup of outdated links and information,

That sure is a good idea. Also there are some files on the
webserver which don't seem to be linked from the main page but
contain potentially useful information.

>   * moving to the XSLT template system with XHTML 1.0 Strict 
> documents at the user side 

What does that mean? What would be the benefits?
(Just googled it and XSLT seems rather complicated, compared
to our needs.)

> (with additional stuff like RSS feeds),

What would be part of the feed? Information about new releases?

>   * redesign (the intended style is presented at the 

I'm pretty neutral about this point, but I like the way you 
present the news section.
