On Wednesday 26 March 2008 06:58, Harald Geyer wrote:
> I think this project works quite well without designated roles.
> ...
> Since the website is managed via CVS several developers can work
> on it in an unbureaucratic way. Perhaps the russion webpages should
> be managed via CVS too? (Not sure if cvs does anything sensible
> with cyrillic characters.)
I plan to clean up everything which is located now at the web-server
directories and add it to CVS. Of course, everyone with CVS write privileges
will be able to edit pages (it will require just basic knowledge of XHTML).
>> The proposed changes to the static webpages are
>> ? * general cleanup of outdated links and information,
> That sure is a good idea. Also there are some files on the
> webserver which don't seem to be linked from the main page but
> contain potentially useful information.
Of course, I will not touch anything unless I'm sure that it's not useful.
>> ? * moving to the XSLT template system with XHTML 1.0 Strict
>> documents at the user side
> What does that mean? What would be the benefits?
> (Just googled it and XSLT seems rather complicated, compared
> to our needs.)
XSLT will help to keep markup clean (consider
now). Actually, XSLT templates are not more complicated than "Apache SSI",
but they present a more modern approach designed by W3C.
>> (with additional stuff like RSS feeds),
> What would be part of the feed? Information about new releases?
Yes, information about new releases (which is already available from the
SF.net feed) and information about site updates.
Alexey Beshenov <al at beshenov.ru>
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