Maxima book != "Maxima Book"

On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 10:12 AM, Paulo Ney de Souza
<desouza at> wrote:

> I would like to be able to see the complete finished product (covers and
> final choice of fonts, etc ...) of any book that displays my name in any
> prominent way ... before it goes to print... specially due to the fact
> that my name if frequently classified and alphabetized improperly.
> Is there a place where I can download the whole thing, and not just the
> last PDF file of the core ?

I'm pretty sure that the book which is under discussion is a
printed version of the reference manual, not "The Maxima Book".
I'm not involved in the publishing effort so I don't know for sure,
so would someone clarify what, exactly, is to be printed?

And if it is not "The Maxima Book" can we please choose a
different title to avoid confusion?


Robert Dodier