[Maxima-commits] CVS: maxima/doc/info build_index.pl, 1.7, 1.8

On Tue, 7 Dec 2010, Mario Rodriguez wrote:

< El mar, 07-12-2010 a las 12:39 -0500, Raymond Toy escribi?:
< > On 12/7/10 10:47 AM, Leo Butler wrote:
< > > Update of /cvsroot/maxima/maxima/doc/info
< > > In directory sfp-cvsdas-4.v30.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv22245
< > >
< > > Modified Files:
< > > 	build_index.pl 
< > > Log Message:
< > > Adds POD.
< > > Makes get_nodes_offset call specify the two regexps, rather than relying
< > > on file-scoped globals.
< > >
< > Thanks for checking in this version.   However, when I build the German
< > docs, I now get errors.
< > Building produces messages like:
< > 
< > Use of uninitialized value in print at ../build_index.pl line 473, <FH>
< > line 187447.
< > 
< > And the resulting maxima-index.lisp is malformed.  Look at the entry for
< > additive.  The offset field is missing (or the length field).   The
< > offset of the entry for expand is much better, but I'm still not given
< > the correct entry.  I get the documentation for distribute_over instead.
< The Spanish documentation has now problems too:
< (%i1) ? solve
<  -- Funci?n: rootscontract (<expr>)
<      Convierte productos de ra?ces en ra?ces de productos. Por ejemplo,
<      `rootscontract (sqrt(x)*y^(3/2))' devuelve `sqrt(x*y^3)'.
<      Si `radexpand' vale `true' y `domain' vale `real', `rootscontract'
<      convierte `abs' en `sqrt', por ejemplo, `rootscontract
<      (abs(x)*sqrt(y))' devuelve `sqrt(x^2*y)'.
< --
< Mario
 I have reverted build_index.pl to v1.6 for the moment. The issue
 for the spanish documentation & v1.7 appears to be that Perl treats
 a file opened with utf8 encoding different from a string stream 
 with utf8 encoding. I will try to track this down.

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