Thanks for answer, i saved file as .mac file, but maxima gives the same
ya at debian:~/Downloads$ maxima
Maxima 5.27.0
using Lisp SBCL
Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.
Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.
The function bug_report() provides bug reporting information.
(%i1) compile_file("maple_V_N_test.mac");
translator: begin translating /home/ya/Downloads/maple_V_N_test.mac.
; compiling file "/home/ya/Downloads/maple_V_N_test.LISP" (written 13 JUN 2012 04:02:28 PM):
; compiling (IN-PACKAGE :MAXIMA)
; compiling (MAPPLY (QUOTE $KILL) ...)
; compiling (SIMPLIFY (LIST # ...))
; compiling (IF (NOT #) ...)
; compiling (DEFPARAMETER $N ...)
; compiling (IF (NOT #) ...)
; compiling (DEFPARAMETER $SHOWTIME ...);
; compilation unit aborted
; caught 1 fatal ERROR condition
; compilation aborted because of fatal error:
; SB-INT:SIMPLE-READER-ERROR at 1343 (line 48, column 59) on #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM
; for "file /home/ya/Downloads/maple_V_N_test.LISP"
; {1005E73991}>:
; illegal sharp macro character: #\
; compilation aborted after 0:00:00.007
(%o1) [/home/ya/Downloads/maple_V_N_test.mac,
/home/ya/Downloads/maple_V_N_test.UNLISP, false]
> ________________________________________
>> (%i1) compile_file("maple_V_N_test.wxm");
> You need to compile the *.mac file, not the *.wxm file. A *.wxm file is used by the wxMaxima user interface to store Maxima code, text, and some formatting
> information. If you only have the *.wxm file, try saving as a *.mac file (File --> Save As).
> --Barton
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