Subject: ./configure options and speed of execution.
From: Rupert Swarbrick
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 13:24:51 +0100
Dmitry Shkirmanov <piminusmeson at> writes:
>> Can you tell us what the configure script chooses for its options when
>> you go for the defaults? For example, which lisp implementation is it
>> using? If you could attach your config.log, we might be able to work out
> I attached both config.log files. One for default configure options,
> second for configure with
> ./configure--prefix=/usr--mandir=/usr/share/man--infodir=/usr/share/info \
> --libexecdir=/usr/lib--enable-sbcl--with-default-lisp=sbcl
Great, thanks. It seems that without hints to do otherwise, the
configure script uses clisp as the lisp implementation. I note that in
README.lisps, we have the following:
> Comparison of execution times for the run_testsuite function
> All times are in elapsed seconds
> Maxima System GCL SBCL CMUCL Clisp
> pre-5.9.3 P2 450 MHz, Linux 75 91 301
Maxima devs: Is there a good reason to use Clisp as the default on Linux
boxes? Maybe we could switch to GCL or SBCL (I'd prefer the latter)
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