Maxima doc translation

Hello Raymond,
>     michel> Unfortunately, this did not work, neither for v5.9.0, nor for version 5.5. 
>     michel> Would you have an explanation for this? Is it necessary to create the info 
> What Lisp did you use?  Could you explain in what way this did not
> work?

Ah, sorry for the lack of explanation ! I tried with gcl only, v2.3.6 with 
maxima 5.5 and v2.5.0 for maxima 5.9.0, with Windows version. I obtain 
just "FALSE" as answer to the command "describe(anything);"
>     michel> I have uploaded the French info files in
>     michel>
>     michel> in case you would want to experiment some modifications that could make 
>     michel> the whole thing work.
> I will try to look into this, but I don't read French so it may be
> hard for me to know if it's right. :-)

Thanks a lot ! If you obtain an incomprehensible message in French, i.e. 
something else than "FALSE", then you would have the solution,
I suppose :-)

Best wishes,
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